List of Top Medicines for Migraine Headaches in India

List of Top Medicines for Migraine Headaches in India – Migraine is a potentially life-threatening neurological condition that generally affects one side of the head by causing severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation. As per the recent study of the World Health Organization, almost 33% percent of the adult population has been affected by migraine. To help people suffering from headaches associated with migraine, we have brought the Best Drugs for Migraine Headaches in India that ensure effective results at a rapid pace.

Numerous neurologists say that Migraines are the most common headaches that people complain of. People often ignore migraine headaches just like the common ones. But, a Migraine Headache is not as gentle as people assume it to be. It requires serious consideration and medical assistance. Hence, we have curated a List of Top Medicines for Migraine Headaches in India that are used by neuro professionals in top-class medical institutes. These drugs are listed after careful research studies and analysis.

List of Best Medicines for Migraine Headaches in India

Mentioned below are the Best Drugs for Migraine Headaches in India that are being used by a number of neurologists and brain specialists for their patients. These are undoubtedly the most-resulted medicines for migraine headaches. Have a keen look at the working actions and effectiveness of the medicines below:


Belonging to a class of drugs known as calcium channel blockers, this tablet is counted as one of the Top Medicines for Migraine Headaches in India. Flunarizine in this tablet is used to treat migraine headaches in people and acutely relaxes the brain. It improves the flow of blood and amplifies blood vessels in the brain and as a result, it prevents distension of blood vessels and headaches associated with migraine. Due to its capability of improving blood flow, it is used in the treatment of Peripheral Vascular Diseases; a blood circulation disorder.

Effective Benefits of MIGRADON-5 Tablet:

  • Prevents loss of tune.
  • Decreases arterial and arteriolar smooth muscle spasms.
  • Relieves chronic migraine pain.


Available with the brand name Erinox-D in the marketplace, this tablet is a potent combination of two medicines; Naproxen Sodium & Domperidone belongs to a class of drugs known as analgesics. This combination of medications is immensely recommended by doctors and neurologists for their patients with migraine headaches. It also increases the stomach movement and intestines that allow the food to move easily through the stomach. This medication is also used to relieve pain associated with the following conditions:

Effective Benefits of ERINOX-D Tablet:

  • Dysmenorrhea; menstrual cramps or pain in the lower abdomen
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis; an autoimmune disease
  • Gout; a type of arthritis that causes pain and swelling in the joints


This tablet is another effective medicine to treat migraine headaches in people caused due to addiction of alcohol. Disulfiram is an Antabuse that performs its functions by producing a reciprocal action with alcohol. Because of the unpleasant effects of this medicine like flushing of the face, nausea, etc., it prevents the user from drinking. It restricts the alcohol process in the body that gives a rise to migraine headaches and other adverse effects.

Effective Benefits of ERISAM-500 Tablet:

  • Prevents chronic alcoholism.
  • Treats Alcohol Use Disorder(AUD).
  • Increases the levels of Dopamine in the Central Nervous System.


Next in the list is this absolute synthesis of a beta-blocker and a calcium blocker; Propranolol and Flunarizine respectively that is available in the form of a capsule. This capsule prevents the abnormal activities of the brain that trigger migraine and resultantly prevents migraine attacks. With arrhythmic, anxiolytic, and antihypertensive properties, this medication is regarded among the Top Medicines for Migraine Headaches in India.

Effective Benefits of MIGRUB – PR Tablet:

  • Decreases the severity and frequency of migraine headaches.
  • Treats Peripheral Vascular Diseases.
  • Treats seizure disorder.


Flunawin-10 Tablets is the highly demanded medication for migraine headaches among a huge number of neurologists. This tablet contains an active ingredient known as Flunarizine that is used for the prevention of migraines that calms the brain and prevents migraine headaches. It is a selective calcium channel blocker with calmodulin binding properties and histamine H1 blocking activity. It can also be used to treat nausea and vomiting associated with Migraines.

Effective Benefits of FLUNAWIN-10 Tablet:

  • Vertigo; a feeling of spinning sensation or not being able to stand properly.
  • Dizziness
  • Reduces the frequency of migraine headaches.

Final Words

The above mentioned is the List of Top Medicines for Migraine Headaches in India that promise to serve effective results in Migraine and other associated pains. All these medications are offered by the Top Pharma Franchise Company for Anti-Migraine Range, Eridanus Healthcare in rich quality. If you want to get your hands on these drugs at the most affordable prices, then Eridanus Healthcare is definitely your perfect choice.

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